Martin Fabricius Trio: NEW WORLD

Martin Fabricius Trio

  • Martin Fabricius: Vibraphone
  • Andreas Markus: Bass
  • Jacob Hatholt: Drums

New World Tour: On this evening, Danish vibraphonist Martin Fabricius and his trio will present their new album; New World.
Expect to me moved,to be inspired to be uplifted, to laugh…. and maybe even cry a little.
Their will be vast landscapes, mystical sceneries, train rides, breathtaking ballads, a war, a hero, a time to laugh and a time to cry. New World paints, in pastel colors, a world that is changing even before the painting is dry and deals with finding time, feeling connected, imaginative journeys, the pandemic, trying to eat less beef (maybe) and themes of loss and love.
It’s a journey into the vivid imagination of Martin Fabricius and his musical companions for a decade, bassist Andreas Markus and drummer Jacob Hatholt.

Live review quotes
Perfect ensemble playing (…) an excellent performance (…) The audience where thrilled by the cool Danes in the overfilled castle vault.
– Fränkischer Tag / Rudolf Görtler / 27.1.2019

Fabricius and company are masters of the quiet, subtle, atmospheric notes. In the capturing ballads and pastel colored sound paintings, stories are told from all around the world.
– Nordbayrische Nachrichten / Hans von Draminski / 29.1.2019