Established in 2007, Martin Fabricius Trio has released 4 critically acclaimed albums, toured Scandinavia, Germany, China and Africa and become one of the most played jazz groups on Danish National Radio. A former student of vibraphone legend Gary Burton, Martin has developed his own style of playing, bringing to life the stories and paintings that are at the core of his music: Vast landscapes, mystical sceneries, train rides and breathtaking ballads painted in pastel colours of sound.
Martin Fabricius : Vibraphone
Andreas Markus: Double Bass
Jacob Hatholt: Drums
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Review Quotes:
JazzNyt, Niels Overgård – New World
“Martin Fabricius Trio has , once again, made a beautiful and everlasting album.”
Mussenblätter, Frank Becker .- New World
“Exactly what we so urgently need in this restless world”
Nordbayrische Nachrichten, Hans von Draminski – live review
“Fabricius and company are masters of the quiet, subtle, atmospheric notes. In the capturing ballads and pastel colored sound paintings, stories are told from all around the world.”

JazzThetik, Victoriah Szirmai – Under the Same Sky
“For nine songs, the listener floats on an air mattress filled with dreams, on a sea of minimalistic sound waves, accompanied by winds of sweet melancholy from sunny skies”

All About Jazz, Budd Kopman – Out of the White
”The opening sounds of the title track of Out of the White herald that this is going to be something different […] the happy/sad feeling of a Fellini film.”

Gaffa, Ivan Rod – Out of the White
”Seductive, beautiful and captivating instrumental jazz”