Scandinavian Art Ensemble

The Scandinavian Art Ensemble is a group of musicians of several nationalities from both Scandinavia and Poland, that emerged from a collaboration on the Danish jazz workshop “Summer Session” in 2015. They were brought together by accident by a common interest, desire and opportunity to spend a week of creating music together with legendary Polish trumpet player Tomasz Stańko .

All the musicians are professional established jazz artists with numerous releases behind them. The positive chemistry and energy of this group was evident to everyone from the first note and led to that Stańko wanted to arrange both a concert and recording with the group. Their first concert in “Hotel Cecil” in Copenhagen February 2016, was marking the official formation of the ensemble and was followed up by a live recording in The Village Studio. The ensemble channels on this recording the spirit of Tomasz Stańko, emphasizing individualism, courage, and a commitment to improvised music reflecting the influence of Stańko’s legacy while also showcasing the talents of its diverse members.

This music is now set to be released on the Danish label April Records in the late spring of 2025 followed up by two concerts in Poland and a tour in Scandinavia.

Line up:

Tomasz Stańko – trumpet (PL) (On record) Johanna Elina Sulkunen – vocal (FI) Thomas Hass – tenor sax (DK) Stian Victor Lervik Swensson – guitar (NO) Snorri Sigurðarson – trumpet (IS) Richard Andersson – double bass (DK) Radek Wośko – drums (PL) Martin Fabricius – vibrafon (DK) Artur Tuźnik – piano (PL) Tomasz Dąbrowski – Music – trumpet (PL)

The Scandinavian Art Ensemble first release, spring 2025, has been long under way due to the passing of Tomasz Stanko in 2018. It will mark the beginning of a collaboration with the danish label April Records, and be the first relase of three albums. All of course released on vinyl. Following his death, tributes and celebrations of his work have continued, highlighting his role as a masterful artist and a key figure in the evolution of European jazz. And in that spirit, the following albums will feature the talented and promising artists of The Scandinavian Art Ensemble, and down the road maybe a surprice guest of honor will appear.

Here is a little insight into the history of the orchestra, and a taste of it’s music.