It is with great joy I can announce, that I’m playing on bass legend, Jamaaladeen Tacuma’s latest CD release: Legend of the Pipe & Sweater. Besides an extensive solo career Mr Tacuma is probably best known for his work with Ornette Coleman and his Prime Time band. Besides his music career, Jamalaadeen also happens so have a great passion for design and is at the same time a truly wonderful person. I mention these things because I find that they are important to the music and the way it sounds. The recording was done in a great atmosphere of friendship, late at night, without much talking, with one microphone and in one take. On the album is Jens Jefsen (double bass), Pelle Fridell (sounds and good spirits), Ole Theil (drums), Morten Siversen (trumpet), Randi Pontopidan (voice and electronics), my self (vibraphone) and of course legendary Jamaaladeen Tacuma (electric bass).